Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Fresh Start

First Days in Amman

After 3 days of traveling, over 30 hours of flight time, and over 7,000 miles away from home, I finally made it to Amman.
Although my flight was originally planned to land in Frankfurt, it was transferred to Dubai after my layover in Washington, D.C.
It seems like everywhere I have been, I've been making friends along the way.  This just reminds me that everyday the Lord specifically sends people in our lives for a reason.
Dubai was one of the most interesting airports I have ever been to. There is so much diversity; it is so wonderful to see so many different people working together and living in harmony.
But of course, there are always some things that are the same:

Once I arrived to Amman, it hadn't yet hit me I was actually here.
I was so surprised as to how the driving works in Amman. Living in California, I am so used to commuting and driving my own car, so relying on a taxi was new for me, but it's definitely an experience!
First cell phone in Jordan

My roommates for the first day are two girls whom I have had in most of my Arabic classes for over two years, and I am so excited that we get to be together through this program!

First things first, we made sure to get cell phones so that we had something in case of an emergency, but we never travel anywhere alone.  The first thing to know about Jordan is sisterhood is key.

Since we don't have WiFi in the apartment yet, we went to a cafĂ© at the local mall (Mukhtar Mall) and used the internet there. 

Thank you all for your prayers, now is where I begin my new adventure in Amman!

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